tree dancer

tree dancer
Tree Dancer

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Ok, help me out here faithful reader, I have questions without answers brewing in my head.  We all do, I feel sure, but I just have to get them down on 'paper' so to speak, and see if it helps!

1.  Who decides the name of a font? 
       Is there a Font Namers Society with a huge board of directors?
      Do you submit the chosen name to a committee, with some obscure place of origin, like Fontville, Liechtenstein?
      Is there an award for being the best fonter?

2.  How stupid do the makers of commercials think we are?
      Do they test these ideas out in front of three year olds and if they don't puke, that's an approval?
      Is it necessary to show the same one two or three times in a row because they think we don't get it the first time?
      Is there anyway to shorten the 'shelf life' of a commercial so after seven days we never have to see it again?
      Does anyone remember the movie where the people in a care facility made up commercials and they were the truth?  I think Dudley Moore was in it, but memory is somewhat iffy these days.
     Can one submit ideas for better commercials?  I'm thinking my cats might be interested!

3.  Visitors to our lakes, rivers, ocean, parks or cities that leave a trail of trash behind them with no regard for anyone else.  
        It grieves me to no end to drive through the Columbia River Gorge, or ANY area, and see the debris left behind.
        You carry it in full, haul it up or down as needed, how hard is it to pick up your empties and properly discard them?
     Enough for today, the list is pretty much endless-tail gaters, rude people, abusers of anything two or four legged and parents that neglect their children.     

1 comment:

  1. a. why do drivers speed up just when you try to overtake them?
    b. why does the mail come just 1 minute after you checked the mailbox and went back inside?
    c. Why does the phone ring when you are in the bathroom?
    Why do the neighbours scream at each other at 8am on a sunday morning in their backyard?
    d. why is there so much discussion about the environment but I still have 3 plastic wrappers on my pastries to get through?
    e. why is there an 80km speed limit on my end of the freeway....even at 3am when mine is the only car anywhere in sight?
    f. why do I have to stare at Viagra commercials espousing 'longer, better SEX' on giant billboards on the freeway?
    g. Why does my news magazine have 42 pages and only 2 articles?

    why? why? why?

    Because the world has gone stark raving mad......
