tree dancer

tree dancer
Tree Dancer

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


       I guess it really is true, money doesn't buy happiness.  Whitney Houston passed a few days ago, taking one of the loveliest voices to grace our airways with her.  I don't have any tapes, cds, or dvds of hers, I wasn't an avid follower, but it doesn't make the axiom any less true.  From where I sit, she seemed to "have it all" and yet, apparently, the one thing she didn't have was happiness.
      So, what does that tell us;  or me, as the case may be.  No mansions and jets, no diamonds and jewels dripping off of me, no chauffeur waiting outside, or bodyguards at my beck and call.  Instead, each day is a challenge, as to how to get through.  It's a roller coaster ride of laughter and tears, battles won and lost and highs and lows as we careen around the curves life gives us. 
       "A mother lost a daughter, and a daughter lost a mother"  I have to wonder how many times a day this happens, all over the world.  Just because you have the voice of an angel, are you missed any more or less?  It hurts like the devil, regardless of fame and/or fortune.  My heart goes out to mother and daughter alike, I've lost both a mother and a child, and there are far too many who have experienced the same devastating drama.  The sense of loss is just as heartbreaking, rich or poor doesn't affect the outcome, we all grieve in our own way. 
         Rest in peace, lovely lady; you will be missed, but keep your perception wide focused.  Too many parents and children awake each day with the weight of personal loss on their hearts.  Love each other while we are here, don't waste any of your day being angry or spiteful.  Our last moment spent with one another should not be one we regret, or wish we could change.  Life is fleeting.......