tree dancer

tree dancer
Tree Dancer

Saturday, December 31, 2011

It went WHERE?

Where oh where has my libido gone?
Oh where, oh where, can it be?
With it's desire cut short and
it's stimuli cut long,
Oh where, oh where can it be?

Sung to the tune of,  "oh where oh where, has my little dog gone",  these days it might as well be a dog.  It wandered off about the time menopause wandered in, and hasn't bothered to find it's way home since that time.  I wonder how many women this is true for, or if subconciously it became a convienent excuse for me.  I pretty much lost interest, on so many levels, and for so many reasons.  I won't bore you with the details, it's pretty much a hum drum kind of tale, but I realize it's like a lot of things in my life; once I stop devoting any time or effort to the 'cause', whatever it may be, it just strays out of the yard in my mind.  It worked that way with alcohol, although I come from a family of alcoholics.  It worked that way with drugs also for me and I never realized how blessed I am in that respect. 

The only condition it hasn't worked out that way for me is eating.  Eating for me, is like the queen mother of desires.  When I'm full I'm a happy camper, no matter what else is going on around me.  I'm trying to get an idea in my head of how much time I spend each day thinking about food.  I only sleep about four or five hours a night, so that leaves me with about twenty hours of food fixation.  Wow, that's a lot of devotion, albeit, not a good one.  I guess it goes without saying I've been overweight most of my life.  Perhaps a round of psychiatric counseling would unearth whatever triggers all this food contemplation of mine, or maybe I could figure it out by myself, if I took the time.  However, I think I'll go make myself a peanut butter sandwhich and think about it!


  1. Oh dear - you make me laugh and want to give you a great big hug......

    Maybe if you thought of sex as a great big banana that might help.

    You are sooooo cute. No one cares about your weight and you have already lost a heap of it.

    BIG HUGS!!!!!

  2. :-) You describe a common problem. The answer? Hey, once you find out, please forward it to me!

