tree dancer

tree dancer
Tree Dancer

Friday, January 6, 2012

A Better Place

      This makes me think of Heaven, that last look at earth before we step out of our bodies and go to wherever one goes.  I use the term heaven for lack of a better one, I want it to be a beautiful place that frees us from the stress and rat race mentality that locks us to this planet.  I want it to be a place where no unkind words are spoken, where abuse does not exist.  If it's not, well, what's the purpose of all this madness, anyway, where money is our God and people treat one another as steps to use to get what 'they' want.  Not everyone, certainly, but if there's even just one, isn't that one too many?    I have to stop and take a look at my own life and ask, am I that one?  As I age, I learn the true meaning of life, as least in my world, is to be blessed enough to surround yourself with friends and family that love you.  This goodness is worth more than all the gold and silver in the universe.  Friends and family will get you through all the tough times.  They alleviate the need to constantly 'prove' your worth, for to them you are worthy of everything, as they are to you. 
     I call these cloud feathers, they appear in our skies above the starkness of the tree silouettes that await spring and new growth.  We must not wait ourselves, each and every day is an opportunity to grow and change, let us not waste that gift.  Let love be the opportunity taken that propels our hearts and minds towards kindness, compassion and acceptance for everyone; wouldn't the world be a better place?  I know mine would.......

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