tree dancer

tree dancer
Tree Dancer

Monday, October 3, 2011

Within the Beauty

This is undoubtedly one of the seven wonders of my worlds.  I have stood in this spot, looked at this view and snapped this scene so many times; it is breathtaking in it's glory to me.  The Columbia River looks calm from up here, but don't be fooled by the calm surface.  It is a metaphor for our lives, all kinds of emotions roil and rage beneath the facade that we put forth for the world to see.
Storm clouds gather and fill the horizon with the promise of rain to come.  Yet beneath them lies a vista of trees and grasses, stretching as far as one can see.  The panorama extends in all directions, your eyes can barely absorb the resplendence that plays out with each sweep of the spectacle that is the Gorge.  Again, as in life, it may fool one into a false sense of security, things are rarely what they appear to be.  Beneath the overview of beauty, another world exists, fraught with danger and fears.  We do our best to keep these beneath the mantle of debris we use to disguise our insecurities and phobias; emotions all  of us have to some degree and have learned to deal with as best we can, daily mulchings of love and acceptance work wonders in the great scheme of life. 
For even in the decay beneath our feet, life moves forward, sending up seedlings that will grow and reach their massive arms skyward.  Small creatures scuttle and scurry, doing their best to hasten the process of regeneration and creation, unseen by most, but occurring in spite of our lack of acknowledgement.  Even the things that we cannot control move and grow, as life goes forward we are forever faced with choices; i.e. right/wrong, good/bad, kind/mean.  Each and everyday brings us the opportunity to be like the mighty oaks, strong, true and reaching for the source of life, beneath the surface and above.  Solid roots of love and respect, for ourselves and each other, our trunks standing staunch and true able to hold our arms up, ever reaching towards the skies.  They spread far and wide to encompass our friends and family, knowing the true meaning of life is to love and be loved.  Loving each other is the key to forming the roots that will keep our hearts and minds strong, family and friends form the base, sharing and growing tall, capturing all into the web that bonds us all together.

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