tree dancer

tree dancer
Tree Dancer

Friday, September 30, 2011

This was the sky I woke up to this morning, the promise of rain so close as the clouds slowly drifted into my line of vision.  A promise given of another day to savor life to its fullest.  If we don't do this each day, we have no one to blame but ourselves.  Stop to look around you occasionally at the wonders of the world.  Did you look up today to see what might be floating above you?   Perhaps a dragon, or dolphins at play in the sea foam?  When did you last see a sunrise, I was fortunate enough to see a very special one just a few days ago......
This is just one of the pictures I took, it gives me the sensation of being in space, looking down at our planet, as the orange tide ebbs and flows beneath me.  I share these pictures on Facebook for anyone and everyone to see.  But even more than seeing someone elses' pictures, look up once in a while.  Sunsets are quite lovely also, and to be shared.  I wonder how many people never notice them, so sad.  Have you walked in a park lately?  Stopped to smell a rose?  Taken notice of the birds, heard their songs or the staccato tapping of a woodpecker?  Life is so much more, please don't let the beauty of it slip by you.  Learn to listen, give more than you take, love as if it's the greatest gift that you can give and keep your eyes forward.  That which is behind you is just that, behind you, we move and grow and that allows our universes to expand.  Be safe, be free, be loved...........

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