tree dancer

tree dancer
Tree Dancer

Monday, August 15, 2011

Life Partners



 I'm sitting in a parking structure, waiting for my partner of twenty-six years to come back.  We

 are here so he can get some blood work done.  In two more days, we will be back here to get the

 results of these tests
          Bill is a cancer survivor.  He underwent surgery last year and has hsi prostate removed.  He was

 then subjected to six weeks of radiation treatments.  Those treatments seemed to be the "better

choice" ie, the lesser of the evils.

          Did we make the right choice?  He's been cancer free now for a year, so I guess the answer is

 yes.  Yet, I feel so apprehensive about the visit on Thursday.  If I feel this way, how must Bill feel?

  He's not a man of many words and has always had some difficulty expressing himself, so I haven't

 asked him.  I feel as if I myself might have some problem answering that particular question.

          We've been together for almost half of my lifetime.  We have shared much over these years,

laughter, sorrow, loss and gain.  All those events have cemented our feelings toward one another in

 ways one only dreams of as a starry eyed teenager.  We have both become better people, I believe, as

 we grow and contribute to one another's life

           I would wish any or all of the joy and yes, the pain also, on our youths starting out today.  I'd

 hope they will be as fortunate as we have been.

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