tree dancer

tree dancer
Tree Dancer

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


     I did my best as a mother, there's no instuction booklet handed out as you near your delivery date.  Maybe you're lucky enough to have been given some guidelines by family, or maybe motherhood is suddenly dropped in your lap; here ya go, ready or not!
     But the point of all this is, we do the best we can with what we know.  As our children grow and have families of their own, if they feel they are a better parent, perhaps they're not remembering how they learned to be a good parent.  Where do those lessons come from?  From being loved and nurtured throughout your early years and feeling confident about your ability to pass those teachings on as you grow and mature. 
     I grew up a happy child, certainly there were problems in my life, but overall I was blessed with a mother that loved me and I knew that.  We played in the rain, ran barefoot through the puddles and she was there for me to help me raise my two children.  We didn't always agree, but even those times were a learning experience. 
     Be careful how you judge others, each person does the best they can with the knowledge they have at the time.  It may not meet your standards that you have today, but you can't always know what drives a person.  Until you have walked in their shoes, until you can say with all certainty you've done a better job, then hold your tongue.  We are all fallible, don't be so quick to say another is more so than you.  Accept the results and move on to living your life the best you possibly can, you may be in that same position one day.  The only judgement that really matters comes much later in the game, many of us have tried ourselves and found a guilty verdict.  We can't go back, all that has gone before this moment is a done deal.  So choose how you live very carefully, you only get 60 or 70 years to get it right.  It goes in a blink of an eye.
      Love unconditonally, give all you can give, each and every day that you walk the planet.  Every moment of every day is an opportunity to lessen the weight of that guilty verdict.  Make each day count, we only have a limited window open to us.  As Picard would say...."Make it so"


  1. Jennifer Kollert's Blog: Poetry - From my Mom

  2. Aye Aye Captain !! I have engaged thrusters and am taking your advice literally.

    Your message is key - we can make a mistake but if we acknowledge it and acknowledge our fallibility in making it we can, in some measure, mitigate it.

    Children WANT to forgive, we yearn to forgive and be loved. If parents only knew that and made some of their actions forgiveable by acknowledging their errors, how much more human and humane would our relationships be?

    The hardest thing for a parent to show is remorse.

    The best gift a child can receive, is an apology, because, as you say, one day they will be walking in our shoes and NEED a good example to follow.

    God bless you Kimmy you have a huge heart.

