tree dancer

tree dancer
Tree Dancer

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Be Careful WHAT You Ask For!

      Be careful what you ask for, how often do you hear that statement?  More to the point, how often do you heed that statement?  How often are we caught in situations when we promise anything just to get out of them?  If I survive this, I WILL stop smoking, drinking, overeating, swearing.......take your pick, we have all chosen one or the other over the years.  Do we follow through?  Hmmmm, the twenty million dollar question; we do when it's convenient, I'm guessing.  Do we think before we utter those promises?  Or is it a say anything, do anything last ditch effort to remedy an event in our lives that seems so traumatic at the time.
    Be careful what you ask for.  I've said and thought these words so many times.  Most often the reply is, "oh yeah, you're right!"  I'm not looking for confirmation of my wit and wisdom here; I'm trying to gently remind myself, first of all, then you, of the impact that words can have in our lives.  What if we were called upon to honor those promises today.........could we?  Take a stroll down memory lane, have we actually done even half of the things we adamantly insisted we would do? 
      Be careful what you ask for, my friends, you just might get it!


  1. Great post and definitely one to think long and hard about! LOL

  2. Well hun, I guess it's a matter of wishing for things you really really need too. Because sometimes you do get what you wished for only to find out it wasn't what you needed but what people made you think you should have.

    Yet again you have cut right through to the core of the matter.

    Big hugs

  3. Soooo true. Very wise post. It reminds me of the Bruce Springsteen song "With Every Wish" (there comes a curse.) You might like it - it's on YouTube.
    Happy Thanksgiving, Marlia. :)
