tree dancer

tree dancer
Tree Dancer

Monday, November 7, 2011


         Write.  What comes to mind?  Everything and nothing, I guess, bits and pieces of events, conversations, faces; like puzzle pieces strewn across a table waiting to put together.  Kind of like life, isn't it?  We're given all the things we need, what we do with them is up to us.  Each of us has our own strategy, we sort by color or we sort by shape, all the edges in their own area, and the corners, they're the first I look for. 
        Why is it we don't start out with the knowledge that we need to get through the difficulties of life?  Parenthood doesn't come with any kind of manual, nor does surviving all the trials and tribulations that come with growing up.  I have come pretty close to a full circle in life, I think.  What I know, all that I have learned, and sadly, all that I have forgotten would fill a vast arena and that arena is filled with puzzle pieces, sorted and stacked and waiting.      
        We never stop learning, I hope that's true, I am sure our short time here is not at all long enough to learn all there is to learn.  We are given what we need, anything extra we pick up by choice, adding clutter and baggage just in case we might be having too good of a day.....drop the excess and believe you are deserve all the beauty that life has to offer.  Why don't we believe that?  Oh yeah, sounds real good, easy to say, yadda yadda.......just drop the crap and leap and bound through life soaking up the love like rays of sunshine.
       Find what makes  you happy, run with it.  Stand before a tree and sing your song of love.  Lay on your back and watch the clouds drift overhead.  Walk among the flowers and see the dew diamonds sparkling, lighting up the path before you.  This is what makes me happy, creating bouquets and snowflakes.  Each of us have a talent inside, let it out, set it free with wild abandon and let it take you for a ride.  Be safe, be free, be love.........

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