tree dancer

tree dancer
Tree Dancer

Thursday, November 24, 2011

My Wish

My wish to you all is that love fills your life,
that your heart swells each day and each night.
Let this day remind us of all that we have
and provide us with fuel for the fight!

We must ever be vigilant  
And keep our demons at bay.
As they threaten to trip us
We'd be lost in the fray!

Hold high up your beacon
that beckons to all
Don't forget those we've lost
They echo the call.

Love deeply of your life and family
no matter if they're near or far
Don't waste your precious time
Reaching for a forbidden star.

Recognize all your blessings,
today on this day.
Too many are lacking,
too tired to pray.

My wish to you all is that love fills your life,
that your heart swells each day and each night.
Let this day remind us of all that we have
and provide us with fuel for the fight!

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