tree dancer

tree dancer
Tree Dancer

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Time Flies

        Christmas.  It's almost here again.  It's staggering how fast the days, hours and minutes go; hurtling across my mind like a whirlwind.  Most of my days are spent in our garage lately, I have a work area set up there to go and get lost in.  It's a little cold out there, but I do have a heater so I manage not to turn into a popsicle!
         Everyday is a learning experience for me, new patterns and ideas to experiment with; new things to think about with the holidays coming.  I came very close to flip flopping into the world of commercialism this week.  Instead of thinking about what we would be doing, or whom we would be sharing that time with, I was focusing on how I could make this a lucrative time for me. 
          I love to quill, it's my escape from the helter skelter of the real world out there.  No issues, no disappointments, no worries.  Does it get any better than that?   Quilling for me has always been a special time, and the Holidays are an inspiration, certainly.  But I know in my heart I will never get rich doing this, not in a monetary sense, anyway.  My life is rich in other ways, the ways that really count. I have family and friends that will be there long after my ability to curl paper is gone.
         So, this is a early Happy Holiday to all that venture into my world of blogging.  So many friends and family have passed out of my life over the years, so the ones that remain are very precious to me.  With love and respect to all............


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